The American Cemetery at Normandy


Our visit to the American Cemetery is difficult to describe. Pride! Appreciation! Horror! Honor! Sorrow! Hope! I trust I never lose the experience of walking down the rows of crosses calling aloud the names and ages on the crosses. The ages touched me deeply—19, 21, 32, 17, 25. Suddenly, a rainbow appeared over the Channel. The poem expresses something of what I experienced.






In Normandy, there by the sea,

Sleep ninety-three hundred eternally.

They sleep in peace, their task complete.

A continent free; liberty for me!


We salute our heroes, each and every one!

So great the cost, so much they lost!

Rest proud brave sons, your task well done.

Freedom still reigns, your legacy remains.


Up from their graves, their voices raise

This plaintive plea, across the skies:

“A better way can be had,

Creator God hath made us good!”

The Rainbow of Promise then hallowed the sky,

Declaring it so, as Noah did see!


This challenge then to me and all:

May peace and love, justice and joy,

Rule today, and forever more.

So sons and daughters will never more,

Be buried here by the Sea!


                                    --Joe Bowen 2005