Medical Image Characteristics and Quality Factors
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It is formed by the imaging modalities that use various forms of radiation and energy to open the body to visualization. |
Generally, the factors that affect image quality for any specific imaging method have a direct effect on one or more of these specific characteristics. A knowledge of these relationships is necessary for:
For medical imaging we have a choice of:
The general principles and the technology of each of
these methods determine the image characteristics. |
For each imaging method there are certain technique or protocol factors that must be adjusted by the operator before performing the imaging procedure. It is the selected values of these factors that determine the specific image characteristics. For most imaging methods there is a range of image quality within which the equipment can be operated. The actual quality within this range is determined by how the equipment is operated. That raises an interesting question.... If the image quality can be adjusted, why not always adjust for maximum quality and visibility? Answer.... In medical imaging there are many trade-offs and compromises that must be considered.
That is why the technique factors and imaging protocol for each image acquisition should be selected to produce an optimized procedure, based on the specific clinical requirements for visibility.
An optimized protocol
produces a balance among the image characteristics (for example,
blurring and noise) and uses the radiation dose that is necessary to
produce the required image quality. |
Just as we use the microscope to view small things, and the telescope and television to view things at a distance, medical imaging equipment extends our vision into the normally invisible regions of the human body. This is a useful concept because we can use some of the same characteristics used to evaluate human vision to evaluate a medical imaging procedure. Now, Let's test our vision.... |
Can you see the G, the H, the I? Make a note of your test results. Before we move on, let's notice the characteristic that is changing as we go up the alphabet. It is the CONTRAST of the letters. The letter A has a very high contrast in relationship to its background, and is very visible and easy to see. As we read up the alphabet, it is the contrast of the letters that is decreasing, and reducing their visibility. What characteristic of our vision have we just tested? |
We have just tested the CONTRAST SENSITIVITY of our visual system. Contrast sensitivity is the characteristic of an imaging system that determines the lowest contrast object that can be visualized. It is one of the most significant characteristics of all medical imaging methods. In medical imaging it is often necessary to visualize objects and structures in the body that themselves have very low physical contrast. Soft tissue masses surrounded by normal soft tissue are good examples.
The relationship of the visual contrast to the physical contrast is determined by the contrast sensitivity of the process. Contrast sensitivity is generally expressed as the lowest physical contrast that produces the necessary image contrast for visibility. Contrast resolution is an alternate term that is sometimes used for this general characteristic of a medical imaging process. |
When the contrast sensitivity is low the result will be low image contrast and low visibility. We cannot always detect low contrast sensitivity by just looking at an image. We might have an image that appears to have high visual contrast. Such an image might be showing some of the high contrast objects like, like bones and bullets, but not showing low contrast objects like soft tissue masses. |
Each imaging modality has contrast sensitivity characteristics that relate to the type of physical contrast it can image and the lowest physical contrast that can be visualized. The contrast sensitivity that is actually achieved then depends on the operating factors used for a specific procedure. |
Here we can compare two imaging procedures, one with a low and the other with a higher contrast sensitivity. As shown on the left, objects in the body have a wide range of physical contrast. Bones, barium, and bullets (the three "B"s) have very high physical contrast compared to surrounding soft tissues. Most soft tissue objects, such as cancers, usually have a very low physical difference (contrast) relative to the surrounding tissue. When imaged with a low contrast sensitivity, only the high contrast objects are visible. High contrast sensitivity is required to visualize the many low contrast structures, objects, and signs of pathology in the body. |
Very low image contrast, as shown on the left, usually results in low contrast sensitivity and low visibility. In most cases, there is usually an optimum image contrast that gives the best visibility of objects throughout the image. Optimum contrast is obtained by the right combination of film type, film processing, and level of exposure. In digital images, optimum contrast is obtained with the appropriate digital processing and adjustment of display factors, especially the windowing. |
The contrast of an object is expressed relative to its surrounding background. That is what determines its visibility. For an image recorded on film, the contrast of a specific object is the difference in the film density (darkness) values. These can be measured with a densitometer. Note: Measuring object contrast in a test film with a densitometer is a routine function in mammography quality assurance procedures. For displayed images the contrast of a specific object is the ratio of the brightness of the object to the brightness of the background. |
Physical contrast is the difference in some physical characteristic of the tissues or other materials in the body. The physical characteristics that produce visible object contrast is different for the different imaging modalities. For x-ray imaging, including CT, the two sources of physical contrast are:
Radiographs and CT images are generally images
showing differences in density within the body. CT images also display differences in density. However, CT has a very high contrast sensitivity compared to radiography and can display relatively small differences in tissue density, as in the head. When there is not a sufficient difference in density within the body to produce visible contrast (like between fluids and soft tissue) compounds of either iodine or barium can be administered to enhance contrast. Iodine and barium are good x-ray absorbers, not so much because of their density, but because of their atomic numbers (atomic size). As described in later modules the arrangement of the electrons (their binding energies) in these two elements makes them especially good absorbers and sources of contrast. |
A radiographic technique that has low contrast sensitivity is used for chest imaging because of the high level of physical contrast (variation in density) that is present. Mammography requires a technique with high contrast sensitivity because of the very low physical contrast in the breast. There are several factors that determine the contrast sensitivity of a radiographic/mammographic procedure. The major factor is the selected KV value as described in later modules. |
Different modes are used to image the two different types of physical contrast. The B (Brightness) mode displays the intensity of reflections or echoes as image brightness. A bright spot indicates a structure surface or boundary that is producing strong echoes (because of a large difference in acoustic impedance). The Doppler mode displays flowing blood. |
Physical contrast depends on the differential uptake and distributions associated with the various physiological functions and pathological conditions. The imaging equipment must be adjusted to maximize the contrast sensitivity to the specific radionuclide that is being used.
The critical adjustment is that of the energy window in
the Pulse Height Analyzer (PHA) of the gamma camera. |
Most imaging is based on the three magnetic (physical) characteristics of tissue:
The contrast sensitivity to a specific characteristic is set by the selected protocol factor values. Three forms of fluid movement are other physical characteristics that can be sources of contrast in MRI. The visualization of each requires special imaging techniques. |
Would you agree that the image on the left is more blurred? Now let's consider the effect of this blurring on visibility. In the image on the right, with much less blurring, we have much better visibility of the anatomical details. It is the blurring in medical images that limits visibility of detail. There is some amount of blurring in all medical images. A knowledge of this blurring effect and how to control it is necessary for optimizing imaging procedures to insure appropriate visibility. |
The letters and numbers become smaller as we move down the chart, this represents increasing detail. Most of us with normal or corrected vision can read all rows. What would we see (or not see) if we had very blurred vision? |
This image has been blurred to demonstrate a very important concept. Blurring reduces the visibility of small objects and detail. This applies to all forms of medical imaging. |
The smaller objects represent increased anatomical detail. Here we have arranged a series of objects by size or detail. We will now use this to observe the effects of blurring. In this image with relatively little blur, we can see all of the objects. Now, let's blur the image. |
Notice that even in the blurred images, the large objects are visible. Blurring places a limit on the smallest objects that can be seen. Blurring limits visibility of detail. |
The amount of blurring (and visibility of detail) in a specific imaging procedure is determined by a combination of two factors:
The difference in the amount of blurring from one modality to another is because of the different principles and methods of image formation and the design characteristics of the equipment. The scale shows the size of the blur and the associated maximum spatial resolution which relates to visibility of detail. Notice that of all of the modalities, radiography produces images with the least blurring and therefore the best visibility of detail. Mammography is the special radiographic procedure that has the least blurring (approximately 0.12 mm) and is capable of producing images of calcifications in the range of 0.1-0.2 mm). |
There are three specific effects of blurring in medical imaging:
The amount (size) of blurring in a specific imaging procedure is determined by:
In later modules we will see that blurs has different shapes, depending on the source of the blurring. |
All medical images have some amount of
visual noise. The image on the left has a relatively low amount of noise and is the range that would be acceptable for a clinical study. The image on the right has a high level of noise and would not be acceptable for a clinical study. |
There are different levels (low, medium, and high) of noise in the three columns. Notice that the effect of the noise is to reduce the visibility of the low contrast objects. |
This illustration is a Contrast-Detail Diagram. Notice that the objects are arranged according to decreasing size (detail) from left to right, and according to decreased contrast from bottom to top. The larger and high contrast objects in the lower left region should be visible under most imaging conditions. Think of noise and blur as two characteristics that together produce a "curtain of invisibility". Noise reduces visibility of low contrast objects. Blur reduces visibility of small objects. Typically, most small anatomical objects also have relatively low contrast and their visibility is reduced by both noise and blurring. |
Noise is reduced by imaging with a greater concentration of photons which generally requires a higher radiation dose to the patient. The noise level is also affected by the selected values of some of the imaging protocol factors as illustrated here for CT. Adjusting an imaging procedure to reduce noise usually results in an increased exposure to the patient or an adverse effect on one of the other image characteristics, such as blurring. The factors affecting noise will be described in other modules. |
Each view has both advantages and limitations. |
Typically an anatomical region is divided into slices. The slices are divided into a matrix (array) of tissue voxels (volume elements). The digital image of the slice is formed as a matrix of pixels (picture elements). The brightness or color displayed in each pixel represents some physical characteristic of the tissue in the voxel.
Characteristics of anatomical structures and objects that can be distorted include:
A long (72 in) FRD is typically used for chest imaging to minimize magnification and the related distortion. |
Each characteristic can have an effect on the visibility of structures and objects within the body. |
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