It is difficult to know where or how to begin writing a biography of
Charles Bray Williams. The first part
will be a chronological account of his life as chronicled by numerous letters
from him to his brother Simeon (Simmie) in Shiloh
during the first twenty-five years of his professional career, along with many
newspaper clippings and autobiographical
information he published from time to time.
In addition to these primary sources I am including as well a detailed
account of the evolution, publication, temporary disappearance, then the re-publication
not once but three times of his major contribution to Biblical literature: his
translation from the original Greek of the New Testament in the
Language of the People. Since
I was not born until his teaching career was almost over, I have relied on his
own autobiographical materials as well as on extensive research in the archives
at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX, done by Dr.
Richard K. Moore, an Australian theologian in preparation for his volumes on
the subject of Justification (or Rectification), published in 2002. His Part Three specifically dealt with Paul’s
Doctrine of Rectification in English Versions of
the New Testament, and he quotes Williams’s translation at length in
his treatise.1
Amazingly my nephew Noel Pace and I, along with our late cousin Charles
(CBW’s nephew and namesake), have been able to find a good many pictures from
various periods of his life, though many of them were not dated and we have had
to guess at approximate dates. [In our
family as in most others we have had the
universal problem of taking pictures and failing to date and caption them
My father, Charles Bray Williams, was born on January 15, 1869. [People usually tell me this couldn’t be
possible—he must be my grandfather!] I
was his third child, part of his second family, born in 1935 just about two
years before he retired the first time.
His birthplace, the Simeon Walston (or Wright?)2
Williams family farm, was near the small country
village of Shiloh,
on the road to Old Trap, in extreme northeastern North Carolina’s
Camden County—not
too far from the Outer Banks area to the east and the Great Dismal Swamp to the
north. His was a farm family of six
children—four boys and two girls, named Charles Bray, Nathan Bray, Simeon
(Simmie) Bray, Caleb, Mollie, and Ella.
Mary Ann Bray was his mother’s maiden name. In re-reading old copies of births and deaths
in a family Bible it appears that at least one other girl and two boys died in
Mary Ann Bray in 1882 bought “The Bear Garden,” as the family farm was
known, with her inheritance from her father’s estate. In 1866 she had married Simeon Williams and Bear
became home to her and her growing family. The children were taught to love
work and to have a thirst for knowledge.
Charles turned out to be the scholar of the family, often recalling his
habit of reading and studying Latin with his book tied to the handles of his
plow as a boy and young teenager. Since
these years right after the Civil War were times of hardship it was necessary
for sons to work in the fields every day, but by burning the midnight oil and
studying his lessons while his team rested periodically from their plowing, he
was able to report to the teacher of the public school on Friday afternoons and
quickly recite the whole week’s assignment.
By the age of 15 he was teaching in the country school, earning $20 a
month, which he used to help pay off the mortgage on the old family
homestead. At eighteen he entered Wake
College with $48 in his
pocket, plus $150 borrowed from the local educational board. In addition to his
studies and class work he was active in debating and literary society
work. His ability and earnestness caught
the interest of faculty members who found jobs for him, so that when he
graduated as the class valedictorian in 1891, with a four-year average of 98 ½,
he only had the original debt of $150 to repay.
Charles was licensed to preach when he was seventeen and he held
several country church revivals that year.
Three years later, as a student at
Wake Forest,
he was ordained by the Wake
Forest Baptist
Church after having been
called as pastor of the church at Brasfield.
After graduation he became pastor of the
Winton Baptist
Church for five years,
during which time he also was principal of the school and helped raise money
for a new school building.
He liked to claim that his branch of the Williams family was distantly
related to Roger Williams, the father of religious liberty in America; William
Williams, signer of the Declaration of Independence; Sir George Williams,
founder of the Young Men’s Christian Association; and William Williams, author
of “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah.”3

It was in Winton that he met and married Alice Julia
Owen. In 1897 they moved to
Pennsylvania and he
began his graduate studies at Crozer Theological Seminary in
Chester, PA. He specialized in the original languages of
the Bible—Hebrew and Greek--and graduated with a B.D. degree in 1900. His thesis was entitled Evolution
and God: The history of the Baptists in North
Carolina. One of his lecturers at Crozer was Henry C.
Vedder, who wrote about him in its “Introduction”, dated June 1901:
"I have been in the habit of advising my students, if
they have a liking for historical investigation, to undertake a monograph on
some local subject, and thus secure the preservation of much valuable material
that otherwise will very likely be lost to future historians. . . As a student he showed more than usual
interest and proficiency in the work of historical research, and he has done
his work con amore. I
read the manuscript critically some months ago, and had no hesitation in
cordially recommending its publication."
In addition to his divinity degree he somehow found time to take a
business course in Poughkeepsie,
NY. While a student he was also
pastor of churches in Chester,
PA and nearby
New Jersey cities. In October of 1899 his first child, Charles
Weston, was born.

Soon after graduating from Crozer the family started for
Texas but stopped over
in Locksburg,
Arkansas, and he served as principal of the
high school there for a year. After
another year as pastor of the Olive
Street Baptist
Church in
Texarkana, he was called
to the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Stephenville, Texas, where he
served for three years, followed by a pastorate at Rockdale. During these years he became popular as a
revival preacher and held revivals in Dublin,
Lampasas, Brownwood
and Trinity, Texas
that resulted in over 300 professions of faith.4
In April of 1902 in Stephenville his first daughter, Eunice Lois was
born. She idolized her big brother
Weston all her life.
In 1905 Dr. B. H. Carroll, then Dean of the Theological School of
Baylor University, contacted CBW asking him to meet him in Waco for an interview. Before the day of the interview was over
Williams was elected to the position as chair of Greek New Testament and
Interpretation and he began work the following week as the first professor
hired from the outside for the newly formed Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Carroll and Dr. A. H. Newman were already
connected with Baylor
While teaching at Baylor he attended summer schools at the University of
receiving his M.A. degree in 1907 and the Ph.D. in 1908. His dissertation topic was probably the seed
from which the New Testament translation was to grow: The Participle in the Book
of Acts. Seemingly he was a bundle of energy who loved
to do everything in a hurry! And can you
imagine traveling 2000 miles roundtrip with a wife and two young children in
the first decade of the 1900s. Lois used to talk about their traveling by
car, but I imagine her memory was of long train trips. [With roads being what they must have been and
cars a new but still primitive mode of transportation I hardly believe they
could have made those trips by car!]
During his years at Baylor he was offered the pastorate of First
Baptist Church of Waco at an annual salary of $4000, but he declined the offer
and stayed with his teaching job at a $1500 salary.5 After the Seminary moved to Fort Worth he
was again tempted by a call to the Broadway Baptist Church there as well as one
from the First Baptist Church in Wichita Falls, at salaries three times higher
than he was making at the seminary. But he remained faithful to his friends at the
Seminary. He was the first librarian at
Southwestern Seminary and catalogued the first 5000 volumes of its library,
given by Drs. A. J. Harris and A. H. Newman.6 From 1913 to 1919 he also served as dean of
the Seminary and managing editor of the Southwestern Journal of
Theology, in addition to his teaching. During the summers he served as dean of the
Panhandle Bible Conference! 7
In nine years in Fort Worth he raised $75,000 for seminary
expenses and endowment and also witnessed 200 professions of faith in a service
at a nearby military camp as World War I was beginning. In a clipping from the
Fort Worth Broadway
Baptist Church,
sent to his brother Simmie in 1918, his preaching was warmly commended:
Dr. C. B. Williams of the Seminary preached to a large
crowd of soldiers in the First Baptist Tent at
Camp Bowie
last Sunday night. Several of our
members were present. The unanimous
report is that Dr. Williams is one of a very few men who can hold the soldiers. They are hard to preach to. He had 75 professions. It is not usually expected that a Seminary
Professor knows much about practical preaching and it is refreshing to find a
man of Dr. Williams’ type who has a passion for lost souls and the gift of
presenting a message in a live, red hot manner.
Soldiers on every hand expressed a desire for him to return and we hope
that he may do so.
The years in Texas
away from his North Carolina
family were regularly chronicled by weekly or bi-weekly letters written to his
brother Sim (usually addressed as Simmie) back in Shiloh. Simmie’s wife Lizzie saved most of those
letters and after she died her son Charles (CBW’s Shiloh
namesake) found them in a trunk in the attic and xeroxed most of them, sending
about thirty-five of them , written between 1910 and 1930, to me in a brown
binder to keep. I am gleaning bits and
pieces of his life from these letters and including them here as appropriate.
Apparently about 1909 CBW and Alice decided to build a house in
Fort Worth. In a letter written October 23, 1910 to Simmie, he says,
I am having a time to get into my new home. Windows and doors will not come. Made to order in another state—some North and
some South, according to the silly notion of my architect, who has caused me to
lose $1,500.00. But we are going to move
into it in another week, by putting up some temporary windows in two
rooms. This will be better than living
with some one else.
. . .
If I can get out of debt in a year or two I expect to
buy a touring auto and come home to see you all in it. Wont [sic] that be fine?
In another letter dated October 16, 1915, it was revealed that brother Simmie had
also bought himself a car—perhaps as a result of seeing Charles’s “touring
auto” on that trip home? I do not have
any of the intervening letters.
In the fall of 1917 his son Charles Weston became a college student at
Baylor, and about the same time Simeon Walston Williams, CBW’s father, died,
leaving his second wife Mary and a young handicapped son, Caleb, who was born sometime
about 1915. In a letter written by Alice
Williams to Lizzie in December of 1917 she mentions that Mary might be forced
to sell the homeplace, but apparently she was able to keep it, because the
kitchen part of it was moved and renovated by Simmie’s son Charles in about 1950 to a
location back of his own home and it became a storehouse for their home.
Several years later, Charles's youngest son Sim moved and renovated the main
house for his young wife and children to live in close by. Sim now calls
his home "The Bear Garden."
In a letter written to his brother Simmie in 1918 he revealed his own
poignant anxiety about Weston’s possibly leaving college to join the war. “Weston is crazy to go to war. I fear I can’t keep him out till he finishes
at Baylor. Nearly all the Baylor boys
are going and he can’t stand to appear as a ‘slacker.’ He can finish at Baylor March 1, 1920, and then will be only 20
yrs and 5 months old—young enough for war.
I am willing to give him up if he has to go.”
Letters continued back and forth every week between
North Carolina and Texas for several years. Alice and Charles were always delighted when
Simmie would ship barrels of potatoes and apples or pears, or crates of hams
and homemade sausages to them in the fall.
Many of the letters contained glowing reports of how much these
groceries were enjoyed and how many happy memories they brought with them. But at the same time, Charles didn’t just wait
for food shipments from his dear brother Simmie. At the end of January in 1918 when a bad
Texas winter was coming
to an end he wrote Simmie that he had just “finished planting all my Irish
potatoes this evening. Have in my
onions, English pease [sic], lettuce, mustard.
Will put in beets and beans a little later.” . . . “The box of meat [you sent me] cost me
only $1.79. And how we have been
enjoying it these days! It has been the
finest ham I have ever stuck my tooth in.” . . . [Alice] “says she is about to cry because the
meat is nearly gone.”
Charles was forever grateful for his brother Simmie’s regular letters
but sometimes chided him when a letter didn’t arrive on time. In one dated 3-24-18 he wrote, “You must not fail to write me
at least every other Sun. and mail it Mon. so I can get it by the next Sat.”
In 1919 Charles resigned his position at Southwestern to accept the
presidency of Howard
College (now Samford
University) in
Birmingham, Alabama. In two years there he paid off a debt of
$60,000, raised an additional $300,000 for endowment, and started the process
of getting the college accredited by the Southern Association. However he ran into opposition from alumni
when he suggested moving the location of the campus. The following section is a quotation from an
article I discovered on the internet last year written by researchers writing
about past presidents of Samford (Howard) University. I think this is interesting as background
information on his tenure at Howard.
paper, at least, North Carolina
native Charles Bray Williams seems to have been an ideal choice for the
presidency of Howard
College. By
Williams had made a name for himself as a pastor and as a highly respected
scholar and veteran professor of Greek and New Testament. But, for all that,
the Williams administration ended abruptly and bitterly [in 1921].
J. M. Shelburne, Williams sought to link Howard's future to Birmingham's, and his downfall was in leading
a campaign to relocate the college closer to the heart of the city. As in the
1880s, supporters of moving Howard questioned the value of investing further in
a campus whose isolation and aging facilities were seen to limit the college.
Alumni opposed relocation, accurately pointing out that the move from
Marion had bitterly
divided state Baptists for decades. But faculty and trustees supported
relocation, and in late summer 1920 Williams announced that the trustees had
selected and purchased options on 120 acres in Woodlawn for a new campus, and
had halted investment in the East Lake campus.
As the
relocation debate simmered, Williams led a new endowment and debt reduction
campaign, succeeding in a short time in eliminating all of Howard's outstanding
debt, increasing the endowment to $400,000 and increasing faculty salaries 20
percent. Less than one month later, Williams announced yet another campaign. He
proposed to raise an additional $500,000 to create an endowment of almost $1
million. This, he said, would allow the college to relocate, establish a
hospital and a department for the study of medicine, and create "one of
the finest technological departments, including a first-class engineering
school, in the South." If his vision for Howard's future was off the mark,
his vision of Birmingham's
was uncanny. "The city needs an engineering school and other technical
schools and it needs a great medical school," he said.
opposition to relocation, combined with the vagaries of the economy, foiled the
president's plans for Howard and Birmingham.
In early May 1921, Williams announced that he would be away for awhile and then
simply never returned to office. There is more than a trace of bitterness in
his letter of resignation, published in The Birmingham News several weeks after
his departure:
Whereas, it seems
impossible, in the face of the terrific financial depression, to raise in the
near future the necessary one half million dollars for the moving of Howard
College to Woodlawn Heights, according to resolutions adopted by the Board of
Trustees; whereas, it is my conviction that my high ideal of the Greater
Howard, for the education of thousands of youths for the glory of God, could
scarcely, if at all, be realized at East Lake; whereas, I am convinced that
under the circumstances, I could not serve God best, or help humanity most, or
do my full duty to my family; Therefore, I do hereby tender to the Board of
Trustees my resignation as president of Howard College to take effect June 1,
letter also provides a tantalizing clue to Williams' sudden departure. "As
a true sport I take my hat off to the winners of the game--the East Lake minority," Williams wrote. James F. Sulzby, Jr., on whose research and
writing this series is based, noted that "the friends of Howard in East Lake concluded it would be easier to remove Dr.
Williams from the presidency than to resist the removal of
Howard College
from their community." It isn't clear how they accomplished this. Sulzby
wrote only that "personal unpleasantries and innuendos had caused Dr.
Williams' tenure at the college to become complicated and ineffective."
Williams' wife was ill during this period (and died shortly after), and that
may have contributed to the pressures that drove him from Howard.
Bray Williams brought a spirit of religious revival to Howard, presided over
record enrollments and admission to the Southern Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools, raised large sums of cash for the endowment and found
majority support for a bold institutional vision. It simply wasn't enough, but
Williams eventually won vindication for the most controversial aspect of his
vision. Construction of Howard
College's new campus [in
Birmingham] began in
1953, the year after his death.8
though his tenure as Howard’s president was seemingly plagued with controversy,
there were some happy events during that time.
His son Weston graduated from Baylor on May 26, 1920, and received a Rhodes scholarship
to study at Oxford
University. Charles wrote Simmie on December 6, 1920, “Glad you received a
long letter from Weston. He writes us
sometimes a dozen pages describing his trips to London and other places. He is now traveling on the continent during
his first six weeks vacation. He will
visit France,
and Switzerland. I am hoping to join him in his vacation next
Summer.” Lois, who had graduated from high school in May, enrolled in Bessie
College, a women’s
college near Macon
in Forsyth,
But sadly
his hoped-for trip was not to be. With
his sudden departure from Howard apparently Alice’s health deteriorated quickly and he
had to move her to Asheville,
NC for treatment in a sanitarium. Charles kept busy with lecture engagements
in Greenville,
SC and
TN during the summer of 1921,
while preparing to accept the position as chair of New Testament Interpretation
at Mercer
University in
Macon, Georgia. The first week of September 1921, Charles,
Alice, and Weston rode the train from Asheville
to Camden,
where Simmie met them to drive on to Shiloh. They spent two weeks with the family and once
more enjoyed home cooking and family hospitality. Then in mid-September he and Alice moved to
Macon, taking rooms in a
boarding house so that Alice
could regain her health and get stronger without having to “keep house and cook
meals.” Her health had improved somewhat
during the summer months in the sanitarium in Asheville, but it quickly became necessary
for her to enter a sanitarium in Atlanta
for more treatment. Charles wrote Simmie
in October: “My classes are good and I
am well pleased with Mercer—have nearly 500 students—will run far beyond that
during year. My largest class has nearly
30—fine class.” But he went on to tell
Simmie how sad he was: “So hard not to
be with your loved ones at all. Weston
leaves at noon today from
NY for Eng.;
Lois in Bessie Tift away from me; Mrs. W. in a hospital, and I alone.” After a three-week stay in the
Atlanta sanitarium
Alice came home to
Macon, but she was much
weaker physically, though she had gained a few pounds on her pure cream diet!
In the
summer of 1922 Charles, Alice, and Lois traveled to
Dubuque, Iowa,
where he had been invited to teach in the graduate summer school. According to one of her letters written to
Lizzie before leaving for Iowa,
Alice had made
plans to go, while there, to Mayo Clinic for some surgery and to get some
definitive diagnosis of her illness.
There is no mention in later letters of the results of this trip to
Mayo. Apparently her physical condition
continued to worsen over the next three years.
At the end of 1925 she was at the point of death. There are no more letters in the binder
between 1922 and 1927.
In a
recently received group of family pictures and other clippings and letters from
my nephew, Noel Pace, Lois’s son, there is a good description of
Alice that Lois had saved
in her files. This was included in an obituary the day she
Charles Bray Williams was a favorite in the University circles because of her
winsome and attractive personality.
Possessed of a culture born in the North Carolina schoolgirl twenty-five years
ago, Mrs. Williams had always been the leading spirit in the social life of the
college campus[es] where it happened to
be the lot of Dr. Williams to teach.
Presiding with grace and charm over the functions of the University, she
had endeared herself to a wide circle of friends over the entire South.
invalid for all the years since her residence in Macon, nevertheless Mrs. Williams had won for
herself a large place in many friendships.
Always a born psychologist and a musician she added to a naturally frail
body the endearing tenderness and sympathy that goes along with the
understanding heart, reaching out to the distressed and troubled, whom she
touched in the role of wife to college president and professor in seminary and
university. A high standard of Christian
character was the mark of her deep religious nature.
Williams left Mercer in 1925 and began his final university teaching position
at Union
University in
Jackson, Tennessee
in the fall of 1925, where he was named professor of Greek and ethics. He taught at Union
until his retirement at the age of 70 in 1939.
It was during his last years at Union
that his most well-known publication was produced: The New Testament Translation
In the Language of the People, published by Bruce Humphries, a
Boston publisher.
In 1933 while serving the Friendship (TN)
Baptist Church
as interim pastor, CBW apparently forgot his vow to swear off women for
good. There was a young schoolteacher,
named Edith Stallings, teaching English in the
Friendship High School
who caught his eye in the church. She
had graduated a few years before from
Union University,
and perhaps had known him there.
Subsequently she studied at
College in
Nashville and got her
master’s degree. Edith Stallings was
about 30 years younger than he, but in 1934 they were married. The next year, when he was 66 years old, I,
Charlotte Edith Williams, was born, in Jackson,
TN. I became quite a daddy’s girl. In a letter written to his brother Simmie
back in Shiloh on December 15, 1937, he showed how happy
he was with his new family: “. . . I
have a fine faithful wife who does everything she can daily to make me
comfortable and happy. . . . I have as sweet a little daughter as any daddy
has. She is growing and developing and
is showing herself so smart physically and mentally. She can set the table and do other house
chores for mother and daddy. . . Charlotte
is talking Santa Claus all the day now.”
(Do you think I might have been spoiled?)
In 1939, just two years after the New Testament translation he had been
working on for so many years was published, CBW retired from
Union University,
gave up his Bruceton
Baptist Church
job, and the family moved to Tampa,
Florida, to retire. But in those days shortly after the country
was getting back on its feet after the great depression, there was not enough
money in pensions and retirement funds to suddenly quit working, so very
quickly Charles found himself supplying churches all over the
Tampa and West Florida
coast area. For at least one year he
taught at a Bible
College in
Tampa and he used to talk
about a young student of his there named Billy Graham. (In later years after the Williams
translation was being published by Moody Press the Billy Graham Association
requested permission from them to use the translation from time to time in the
Graham crusades and writings.
Even at the age of 70 Charles B. Williams was still a young retiree
with plenty of energy. He had been still
playing tennis until he retired from Union! And he still had his set of golf clubs and
played occasionally when he had an invitation.
He and Edith joined the large
First Baptist
Church in
Tampa, but the family
didn’t attend services there very much because he was preaching in so many
local churches almost every Sunday. I
was a very shy little girl, but one of the Sunday School teachers at First
Church was able to make
friends with me and convince me to leave my mother and come to her class on the
Sundays when we were in town. Vivian
McLin became my favorite friend because of her kindness and understanding. But most Sundays Williams was preaching
either as an interim or an invited guest preacher at numerous churches on
Florida’s west coast—in Sarasota, in Brandon, and in Plant City, to name a
few. I remember enjoying the new
experience of eating at a Morrison’s cafeteria for Sunday lunches in
Sarasota, as well as
enjoying visiting church families on their strawberry farms in
Brandon and Plant City and eating those delicious
It was while we were living on Obispo Avenue in the Palma Ceia suburb
of Tampa that I began to get acquainted with my father’s other family—my
half-sister Lois and her husband Bill Pace and their son (my nephew!) Noel, who
was a year older than I, came down from
Georgia, to
visit us one Christmas and stayed a month or two to meet the
ir father’s new family. Another time my half-brother Weston and his
wife Ruth and daughter Alice Elaine (my niece who was 4 years older than I!)
visited us for several days from Kentucky,
where he was teaching economics at the
University of Louisville.
←Charlotte, CBW, Weston,
Alice Elaine (about 1940)
In the fall
of 1941 I started to first grade in the
Roosevelt Grammar School
that was just about two blocks from our house.
By this time I had become much less timid and had made friends with some
of the neighborhood children, so I announced to my mother that I didn’t need
her to walk me to school that first day.
I really don’t remember if maybe my father actually went with me or not,
but mother did have one of her migraine headaches and wasn’t able to go with
memories of those first days in school have faded, which is just as well,
because in October my parents told me we would be moving to
North Carolina. Daddy’s brother Simmie had persuaded the old
Baptist Church
to call him as their pastor, and Daddy had accepted. He really was homesick for his old home and
family, I’m sure. And this would serve
as a chance to mend the break with his family that his failed marriage in 1932
had caused.
Shiloh church sent a driver
with a long open farm-style truck to Tampa
to load up our furniture, cover it with tarps, and move us to
North Carolina. (It was the kind of truck we still see
nowadays hauling watermelons or loads of corn to market!) But it got the furniture there without too
much damage, and we were settled into the two-story parsonage in the middle of
the small village
of Shiloh, about two long
blocks from the church. The house was
covered with asbestos shingles (I think the church had recently remodeled and
painted the interior of the house.) We
did have fairly modern conveniences—no outdoor toilet!—but there was no hot
running water. I remember mother had to
heat kettles of water on the electric stove both to wash dishes, clothes (by
hand, because there was no washing machine) and to carry upstairs to pour into
the bathtub for a slightly warm bath!
The house was heated by a big old parlor wood stove in the “study,”
(which today we would call the family room or den). CBW did have a carpenter put a vent in the
ceiling of the study to let heat from the stove rise up in the wintertime to
one of the bedrooms above. I guess the
rest of the rooms were heated with portable electric heaters. The kitchen and dining room were on the other
side of the downstairs. Upstairs there
were three bedrooms and a bathroom.
families do today, we basically lived in the study, which had his big old
black-painted oak desk and his Underwood No. 5 typewriter as the major
furniture, along with a daybed and two or three chairs. The living room was in front of the study
facing the road, and when I turned eight years old its main piece of furniture,
at least for me, became a brand-new Lester Betsy Ross spinet piano when I began
taking piano lessons from Miss Beulah Walston. Occasionally my father would sit down at the
piano and play some of his favorite hymns, such as Abide With
Me or Rock of Ages, or Jesus, Lover of My Soul. I have no idea where or when he
had learned to play the piano. He had
given Lois a beautiful Steinway baby grand piano on her sixteenth birthday and
perhaps he learned to play while she was taking piano lessons. Both he
and Alice were good musicians and he had a good tenor singing voice too.
I was
quickly enrolled in the first grade of the Shiloh
school, a big red brick building about two blocks south of the parsonage that
housed all twelve grades. Since I had
already learned to read and write before starting to first grade in Tampa, my
first year in Shiloh was rather boring, so the next summer my parents asked the
second grade teacher to tutor me a bit just to make sure I wouldn’t miss any
important second-grade work. Then I went
into the third grade in the fall of 1942.
My father
oved being back “home,” and the community loved him. I remember him as an excellent pastor for the
700-member Shiloh
Baptist Church,
which has the distinction of being the oldest Baptist church in
North Carolina, having
begun in 1727 as Burgess’ Meeting House, with later name changes of North
Meeting House and Camden Meeting House.
The present building in 1941 had been built in 1848 and 1849 at a cost
of about $2,400. 12
On Sunday
afternoon, December 7, just two months after our arrival in Shiloh, one of our
neighbors came rushing to the house to tell us she had just heard a broadcast on
the radio about the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the entry of the US into World
War II. CBW loved history and current
events, so he was a very timely person for his old home community during wartime. Shiloh was
in a very vulnerable position geographically, since it is situated only about forty
miles as the crow flies from Norfolk,
VA, which was an important
shipbuilding center during the war, and
the German submarines were eager to reach it. CBW saw to it that our community took very
active parts in such war activities as the aircraft watches, Red Cross bandage
making, and inviting sailors from the Norfolk Naval Base to spend their leaves
and Christmases with the church’s families.
Of course we had a good many impromptu weddings in the pastorium for
young sailors and their girlfriends just before the men shipped out for overseas duty. And it was no secret anywhere that CBW was a
very strong supporter of Roosevelt and his
policies. I grew up listening to radio
news broadcasts by people like H. V. Kaltenborn and Robert Trout and Edward R.
Murrow as they reported on the progress of the war. My father never missed a news broadcast—and
neither do I to this day! He also was an
avid radio fan of baseball broadcasts. I
guess my interest in playing softball probably came in part from listening to
those old broadcasts.
believed strongly in a pastor’s knowing personally every member in his church,
and he had a very active plan of visitation of every family in their home every
few weeks. I often accompanied him on
these visitations and he would sometimes let me “drive” our new 1941
Plymouth by sitting in
his lap and steering on some of the country roads. By the time I was eight I was learning to
back the car out of the driveway and through the gate out to the road, then
driving it back into the garage! He
would usually be working in his huge garden, which was alongside the driveway,
probably watching me to make sure I wasn’t going too fast or about to hit the
fence! He was a master gardener and took
great pride in his tomatoes and corn and beans and a huge Brown Turkey fig bush
at the edge of the garden. A neighbor’s
cotton field came up to the edge of our back yard and garden and I remember earning
a few pennies one summer picking cotton for him.
Since it
was wartime and money as well as meat was scarce, some of the pastor’s pay was
in the form of chickens on the hoof! We
had a small chicken house on the other back corner of the yard where these
“gifts” were housed until time for eating.
Most of my pets until at least the age of eight were hens and roosters
that I tamed and would encourage to sit in my lap as I knelt in the door of the
chicken coop to pet them. Needless to
say there were frequent tears when it came time to eat some of them and perhaps
one or two escaped that fate because of my pleadings. Finally when I was eight a family of three kittens
appeared in our garage and I quickly made pets of them so that the chickens
weren’t my only animal friends.
gifts that were much appreciated in the fall and winter were the sausage and
hams and sweetbreads and pork chops from hog killings. In spite of the fact that we lived almost
surrounded by the waters of the Pasquotank
River, the Albemarle Sound and North River,
I do not recall having much fish to eat during those years. Perhaps I just didn’t like it and therefore
don’t remember having it. But one year
when my cousin Charles came home on furlough from the Navy he and his uncle took
me out in a boat fishing on the river for the first time and I thoroughly
enjoyed it, even though I remember it rained most of the day!
namesake nephew, Charles Bray Williams II, Simmie’s youngest son, and his
brother Bailey finished their college degrees (as their Uncle Charlie had
constantly urged them to do back in his letters to them and their dad in the
late 1920s) at Duke University just as the war broke out at the end of 1941, so
they both left for officers’ training at the Great Lakes Naval Training center
almost immediately. When they came home
on furloughs periodically, in their handsome naval 1st Lieutenants’
uniforms, I thought they were the most handsome men I had ever seen. Charles was always my favorite, because he
had come to visit us, hitchhiking from Shiloh
to West Tennessee, when he was fifteen years
old and I was just a toddler in Jackson,
Tennessee. He had a small Brownie movie camera and
always made lots of movies whenever he was at home on furlough. Thanks to his photographic skills I now have
copies of many home movies of CBW practicing his sermons or reading from his
New Testament or out in the garage chopping wood for the stove with my help.
continued to be a popular speaker for commencements and graduations and various church meetings in eastern
North Carolina and southeastern
during the war with limited opportunity to travel because of gasoline
shortages. I still remember the coupon
books we had to use for buying the limited amounts of gasoline we needed. CBW
was always on the lookout for young talent to mentor and steer toward a college
education, much as he had done with his own nephews when they were
younger. One of the teenagers in Shiloh
church, Walter Barnard, was probably his favorite young charge, and Walter
spent many hours at our house talking with my father and mother about his
future, borrowing books from my father’s library, and playing the piano.
He was an exceptional student already, so he didn’t need that much tutoring,
but CBW saw a great potential in him and continued to encourage him even after
he retired in 1946 and moved back to Florida.
Walter was encouraged to enter Wake
Forest, where he became
an excellent student and graduated summa cum
laude four years later. He then went on to get his master’s in
library science at UNC (CBW couldn’t convince him to become a minister!) and he
spent an interesting career working at Columbia University in New York City,
finishing his career as their Acquisitions Librarian in the late 1990s.
Once or
twice a year our church had to “borrow” the use of the baptistry in Elizabeth
First Baptist
Church since Shiloh didn’t have a baptismal pool. In earlier years Shiloh
church just baptized people in the
River, but my father preferred
to use a real baptistry! At the age of 8 I was baptized in that Elizabeth
City baptistry. Since
there was no grocery store in our small village we had to drive about 10 miles
to Elizabeth
City to shop every week for things we
couldn’t raise and can from the garden.
And once a year we made a trip across the scary Dismal
Swamp into Norfolk
to buy shoes for my mother’s and my narrow feet!
In the
summer of 1945 as the war was beginning to wind down, two of my mother’s
brothers and sisters and their spouses came for a visit from Western
Tennessee. For the first
time in my life (in spite of having lived in Tampa near the Gulf of
Mexico for two years and less than 30 miles from the Atlantic Ocean all during our years in Shiloh)
my uncle and aunt took me to the beach at Virginia
Beach. I was
ten years old and thought that was the most fun I had ever had in my life!
The next
summer, 1946, when the war was over CBW decided it was time to retire again,
and after a trip or two to Florida to look for a place to live, we again moved
to Florida—this time to a small town just north of DeLand and not too far from
Jacksonville, named Pierson. In
reflecting on this apparent love of living in Florida that he once more demonstrated, I
can’t help but wonder why he chose Florida
as a retirement home—both in 1938 and in 1946.
In letters he wrote his brother in the early 20s when he spent several
summers in the mountains in Asheville, NC,
he mentioned more than once his love for the mountains and his dreams of
building a home there someday. He had
absolutely no prior experiences in Florida
or even invitations to lecture or preach there during his early teaching and
preaching career.
Edith was able to get a job teaching school there and became the breadwinner
for the family. She actually had begun
teaching again the last two years we were in Shiloh,
and she was my teacher for some of my subjects in the sixth grade. I credit her with teaching me how to write
properly because in English class she had us studying penmanship part of the
time. Up until then my handwriting was
awful! In Pierson she taught English and
Social Studies in the junior-senior high school and I spent two years in junior
high classes. This was in the days
before girls were allowed to take “shop” classes, but I was able to absorb some
of the shop class because one of my study halls was in that classroom. Perhaps that is why I have been a frustrated
architect all my life. Too bad someone
didn’t steer me in that direction back then!
I did enter the National Spelling Bee those two years and was runner-up
in the state of Florida
both years, going in the 7th grade to Jacksonville for the finals and in the 8th
grade to Miami.
During these two years CBW did a good many guest
lectures and part-time teaching at
University in DeLand. He had hopes that I might choose to go to
Stetson for my college training, but that was not to be. After two years in Pierson my mother decided
that we should move to another county that had a better pay scale for teachers,
so in the summer of 1948 we moved once more to
Lakeland, Florida,
where she got a job as a teacher in the
Combee School,
a new school on the eastern side of the county.
The family bought a small two-bedroom house--with a large back yard for
a garden—about a mile from the school. Later
on Edith worked mostly as a substitute teacher in the
Polk County
school system, even teaching four levels of Latin in
Lakeland High School
part of one year when the regular teacher was ill and had to be out for six
Again CBW
found a place to teach part time, at the Baptist Bible Institute in
Lakeland. He taught there for about two years until his
health began to fail about 1950. His
heart began to fail and he even had to spend a few months in a local nursing
home run by one of the church members at
Eastside Baptist
Church where we were
members. After a few months he was able
to come back home but with limited strength.
Even so, he continued to write a few hours each day, working on his last
manuscript entitled A Commentary on the
Pauline Epistles. And he
continued to enjoy sitting down at the piano and playing his favorite hymns
every day.
In all
the letters he wrote to his family through the years, and other articles and
correspondence I have been able to collect, I have found only one reference to
his work on the translation. In a
quotation from a newspaper article in the Lakeland, FL Ledger,
CBW recalled that “it took him more than 20 years to turn out the New Testament
[translation] from the original Greek text, and that he started the mansized
task only after one of his seminary students heard him criticize some of the
accepted translations and suggested he ‘turn out a better one.’” 13
We have always assumed he must have worked on
it over a period of several years, probably beginning with his translations
done for Greek classes and spurred on by the encouragement by students and
colleagues to get those class translations published. I do know that he was a person of boundless
energy, as evidenced in his letters recounting the activities he was involved
in while holding his full-time teaching positions. He was almost constantly doing at least two
jobs—teaching and preaching—and was also very popular as a speaker for
commencements and conferences and other special events of all kinds. At the same time, he was constantly writing
books. He lists at least nine, in
addition to the New Testament translation, in an autobiography he wrote in 1947
when he retired for the second time and moved back to Florida.
The titles include A History of Baptists in
North Carolina (B.D. thesis at Crozer, 1901); The Participle in the Book of
Acts (Ph.D. dissertation, March 1909); The Function of Teaching in Christianity
(1913); An Introduction to Christian Ethics (1925); New Testament History and Literature (1917);
Citizens of Two Worlds (1919); An Introduction to New Testament Literature
(1929); The Evolution of New Testament Christology (1928); New Testament
Synonyms; and The Galilean Wins.14 In addition he spent a good deal
of time writing An Estimate of the Greatness of Dr. B. H.
Carroll in 1947, but I am not sure that was ever published. Williams and B. H. Carroll had been close
neighbors in his days at Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, and he wrote affectionately of
more than any other source we mention the ten years of personal contact as
next-door neighbor and a colleague with him in those pioneer days of founding
and starting the Southwestern Seminary.
Seeing him live and move and do great things every day is the primal
source of this evolution of his charming character and supernal
personality. This tribute we pay
him: Since we left the paternal roof we
met no one who so influenced our thinking as he did in the most critical period
of our public career. [Williams often
wrote in the first person plural!]
At the time of Williams’ death in 1952 he was
working on A Commentary on the Pauline Epistles,
which was published posthumously by Moody Press in 1953.
It was sometime
during 1948 or 1949 that Kenneth Taylor, one of the editors at Moody Press,
came to visit him with a proposal to reprint the New Testament translation that
had lain
unpublished ever since Bruce Humphries temporarily went out of the
publishing business in about 1941. The
first new edition by Moody Press was dated 1949. In an article by John Mostert, a member of
the faculty of Moody Bible Institute, in the Moody
Monthly, he stated that “the volume has been out of print for some
time, but is now available once more.
For accuracy and perspicuity of translation, this is one of the finest
private translations produced in recent
This same article includes a picture of the jacket of the “new edition of the
Williams’ translation of the New Testament just released by Moody Press,
Mostert in one of the Introduction
endorsements in the New Testament 1949 edition itself, continues in his praise:
The work of translating the New Testament from the
original Greek into our language is no small task. Not only does it require a detailed knowledge
of the vocabulary and grammar of ancient koine Greek,
but also the faculty of conveying ideas into good, clear English idiom. In his handling of the Greek text the
translator must be fair, accurate, and although in many instances must act in
the role of interpreter, he must not permit subjective opinion to have the
upper hand.
Williams does what few others have done: he takes some of the finer shades of meaning found in the Greek constructions and
fuses them into the English text. This
he does, not in a cumbersome, overwrought manner, but in a natural,
smooth-flowing style. More than any
other translator he brings out the aktsionsart
(kind of action) of the verbs, an element little stressed in standard
versions. Besides this there is clear
evidence of the results of latest research into the fuller significance of
certain words, cases, prepositions, connectives, and other parts of speech.17
I have a
copy of that first Moody printing in my collection now, but I was not aware of
it being in print until 1950, just two years before CBW’s death. I guess my first years in a new high school
put me in a fog that kept me from being too aware of important events in the publishing
world, but I do definitely remember the men who came down to visit us from
Moody Press and I still have some of the pictures they made on that visit for
their publicity. My mother and I thought
it was an interesting twist of fate that years later Kenneth Taylor, the
Moody editor who handled the beginning of the transfer of translation to Moody Press, also was the man
who published the popular paraphrase, The Living Bible,
so popular in the 1970s after he became president of Tyndale Publishers.
Charles Bray Williams died on May 4, 1952, at age 83, in
the Bartow, FL hospital, after a short final illness. His heart finally gave out. My mother and I accompanied his body on the
train to Norfolk,
VA for his final memorial service and burial
in the Hollywood
Cemetery in Elizabeth City, NC.
pastor of Eastside
Baptist Church
in Lakeland, where we had been members since 1948,
M. J. Schultz, wrote a warm tribute to Dr. Williams in the week after his death
that was in the following Sunday’s church bulletin.
Sunday, our beloved Dr. Charles B. Williams breathed his last in the Bartow
and took his flight to realms of glory to be with Jesus. We greatly miss him. . . .He was a
world-famous scholar of the Greek New Testament, a wonderful teacher, a prince
of preachers, a gracious friend, a saint indeed, and a father and husband beloved. His example in this church will be a blessing
and challenge to be faithful unto death.
At the age of 83 he never missed a service till he became too ill to
attend. God hallow his memory! His reward in Heaven will be something great!18
graduated from Lakeland
High School about a month
later, just missing the honor of being salutatorian by a few grade points. CBW had insisted that I take Latin, as well
as all four years of English and all the math and science I could work in, but
he also suggested that I take typing and shorthand in order to be able to make
a good living no matter what field I chose to enter. The two latter subjects came in very handy
when in college I was able to get a good job as secretary for Russell Bradley
Jones, the chairman of the Bible department at
Carson-Newman College. Charles Bray Williams was forever the
academic advisor!
But the real story of the Williams translation
actually began again in 1952 after its hiatus of ten or eleven years. Apparently enough of his former students had
bought copies of the original Bruce Humphries edition in 1937 and the years up
to the war that they had kept the enthusiasm for it alive. In the fall of 1952 my mother and I moved
back to Tennessee
to be nearer her family and as I enrolled in
Carson-Newman College
in September for my freshman year, she became assistant manager of the Carson-Newman
College bookstore, moving up to manager
after a year. (Of course I disliked
having my mother go to college with me!
But it did have some perks: instead
of living in a dorm I lived in an apartment in town with my mother and could
drive a car, which no other female students were allowed to do in those years
in the fifties. And as a daughter of a
faculty member I did not have to pay tuition.
But I did miss lots of the fun of dormitory life.)
immediately started ordering copies of the New Testament from Moody to sell in
the college bookstore and made sure that every ministerial student in that eastern
Tennessee Baptist college became familiar with it and bought copies to use in
their Bible classes. Then as they went
on to seminary training at the various seminaries they helped to spread its
popularity even further. She became a master salesman for the
translation and continued to be until she was forced to retire because of ill
health in 1960. Moody published several
different editions of the translation, beginning with the almost 2” thick
buckram bound copy with the brown and white dust cover in 1952, through a
thinner paperback version in the mid-50s, to another hardback in navy blue
buckram binding in 1965. Moody also
produced a limited number of leather-bound copies printed on thin India
paper. I still have the 1952 leather
copy they presented to my father just before he died, with his name embossed in
gold on the cover.
In 1960
when my mother had to retire because of extremely poor health, I was living in
Atlanta and working in
the English department at Emory
University, where I had
finished graduate school in 1958. It was
at Emory that I met a young physicist, Perry Sprawls, in the fall of 1960 when
he began his teaching career there. At
the end of 1961, even though my mother was still very ill and actually in the
hospital, Perry and I were married. When
my mother was able to leave the hospital she lived for a few weeks at the home
of my sister Lois in Decatur
until she was strong enough to get an apartment and live by herself. When Perry and I finished building our first
home in May she moved into an apartment we had built in it especially for her,
where she began to regain her health.
She actually lived 25 more years!!
Perry has been closely involved through the years with the publishing of
the New Testament translation and continues to be my best advisor and
publishing companion.
In 1966
the Moody edition was included in a Four-Translation New Testament published by
The Iversen Associates, NY, and printed by World Wide Publications, a printer
in Minneapolis,
MN which was distributed at some of the
Billy Graham Crusades. Later on there was inclusion in a 26-Translation
collection published by Zondervan, but I do not have a copy of it in my
during the late 1970s sales of the Moody editions declined. In about 1983 Moody ceased publication and
for about four years the Williams translation was out of print again. Then in 1985 in an editorial in the Advanced
Adult Quarterly put out by the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board, Lee Porter
may have unwittingly started the ball rolling toward re-publication of the
Williams New Testament when he ended the editorial with the sentence, “You may
want to secure for yourself a copy of this translation as you are involved in
this study [of the Gospel of John].” The
Williams translation had been used throughout the Sunday School lessons for the
winter quarter as the reference by that quarter’s lesson writer. I wrote to Mr. Porter, thanking him for his
recommendation but reminding him that there were no copies left anywhere for
people to buy. Moody Press had notified
my mother in 1984 that they were completely out of stock and knew of none
available anywhere.
At the
same time I wrote to Dr. Steve Bond, one of the editors at Broadman Press with
whom I had talked many times during the time I was an administrative assistant
to Dr. Peter Rhea Jones at First Baptist Church of Decatur, GA, who was writing
a book on the Parables that I spent many months typing for him. Dr. Bond wrote back immediately with a
recommendation that I get in touch with Holman Bible Publishers, who were the
Bible-publishing arm of Broadman Press.
After corresponding with editors there for a few months, Holman sent my
mother a contract in 1985 proposing to publish in 1986. It actually did make it into print in 1986
just a month before my mother died, so she did get to see it in print again.
unknown to us, Moody Press had also reconsidered and their editorial board had
decided to re-issue the translation in 1986.
They had sent a contract to my mother about the same time we were in
talks with Holman, and we had to make the difficult decision to go with Holman,
because we thought they would give the translation much better advertisement
and promotion than Moody had done over the past ten or twenty years. Moody graciously agreed to Holman’s request
for the photographic plates, even though they were disappointed that my mother
had chosen not to renew their contract.
Unfortunately communication had broken down at some point in 1983-84 and
they had never communicated to my mother that they probably would eventually
consider re-publication, so she thought they had put an end to their
involvement with the translation.
We were
pleased with Holman’s handling of the publication. Under the guidance of Johnnie Godwin, who was
a delight to work with, they decided to call their edition the 50th
anniversary edition, even though it actually came out a few months before 1987,
the 50th year. The books sold well.
They produced a hardback navy-colored copy as well as both wine and
black leather bindings, which were very popular. My cousin Charles Williams, CBW’s nephew, was
still living in Shiloh and was a big supporter
of his uncle’s work. He was instrumental
in getting one of the Elizabeth
City bookstores to stock
a few of the New Testaments, and in August of 1986 he sent me a clipping from
the Elizabeth
City paper, The Daily
Advance, quoting an editorial published in the Capital Baptist in Washington, DC.
In the
avalanche of books about the Bible, coming from modern authors and publishers,
it is good news that the Williams New Testament
translation is being re-printed by the Baptist Sunday School Board’s Holman
Charles B. Williams translated the New Testament ‘in the language of the
people’ nearly half a century ago while on the faculty of Southwestern
Seminary, J. R. Mantey, Department of New Testament Interpretation, Northern
Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote ‘Williams’ translation, considering all the
factors, is the most accurate and illuminating translation in the English
language.’ . . .
W. Wiersbe in his 1974 book Which Bible Can you Trust
says, ‘For accuracy in translation of the Greek verbs, [the Williams New
Testament] stands head and shoulders above the others.’
In a
time when the Baptists need all the healing possible, Williams himself
represents a bridging symbol. Williams
devoted his professional career almost wholly to Southern Baptist institutions.
. . .But Williams, after graduating summa cum laude from Wake Forest, attended
and graduated from two American Baptist related schools—Crozer Theological
Seminary and the University of Chicago where he received the Ph.D. degree.
said his objective in his New Testament was ‘not a word for word translation. .
. . It is rather a translation of the thought of the writers with a reproduction
of their diction and style. Greek idioms
are not brought over into our translation, but are expressed in corresponding
English idioms which express the same thoughts as the Greek idioms. It is the thoughts of our New Testament, not
in single words, that we have tried to translate.’19
But in about 1995 when they had completely
sold out their 10,000-copy printing, I found out accidentally at the Baptist
Book Store in Atlanta
that Holman had discontinued the publication without even telling me ahead of
time and giving me a chance to buy the last few copies to keep for personal
requests, as our contract had promised.
Needless to say, I was very upset, but could do nothing to change the
situation. I have my opinions about why
Holman dropped the translation from their publications, but that is a moot
In the
early 90s, after the Holman printing had been selling for a few years, a
Biblical researcher from Perth,
Richard K. Moore, wrote me that he was beginning a major work on the subject of
Justification and he was extremely impressed with the way the Williams
translation helped in the understanding of this doctrine. Moore
subsequently made a special study trip to the U.S. in July of 1994 and spent
almost a month working in the archives of Southwestern Seminary in
Fort Worth doing research
on Charles Bray Williams. He was able to
dig up material and pictures that I had no idea even existed, and he wrote up a
detailed history of research he had done and sent it to
me. At the same time, when he finished
his research at Southwestern, he and his wife Kathy came by Decatur, Georgia,
and spent three or four days visiting in our home and discussing his interest
in my father and his work.
Moore worked on his
volumes on Justification while he was continuing his teaching as Head of the
New Testament Department at the Baptist Theological College of Western
Australia, and the two volumes were published in 2002. I was impressed with Dr. Moore’s scholarly
interest in the Williams translation and asked him to do the foreword for the
Millennium edition in 2000, which he graciously agreed to do. We continue to carry that foreword now also
in the Montreat edition. Quoting from his last paragraph in the foreword:
The genius of Charles B. Williams was to incorporate
this relational understanding of “justification” into his English translation
in a viable way. Those who undertake the
research will find he was the first to do so.
Many subsequent translations have incorporated this approach, notably
the very influential Good News Bible. It has also been borrowed for some foreign
language translations. But is not this
matter of how we come into right standing with God, or, more correctly, of how
God brings us into right standing with himself, at the very heart of the Good
News (Rom. 1.16), at the very heart of Christianity itself? Williams’ pioneering work in this vital area
gives his translation a unique and enduring significance among English versions
of the New Testament.21
I spent
the next four years contacting lots of Bible publishers—from Abingdon to
Zondervan to Smyth & Helwys to Thomas Nelson and several others. Some of them
expressed interest, but none were willing to take on a new translation for one
reason or another. Finally in about 1997
in talking to Reid Crow, the printer who did all of First Baptist Decatur’s
printing at his Collegiate Press in Atlanta, he suggested that there were
printers (as opposed to publishers) in the Atlanta area who had presses big
enough to handle the giant photographic plates that Holman had returned to
me. My husband and I decided there was
no reason we could not become publishers of the New Testament ourselves. Holman had also returned copyright rights to
me when they ceased publication and I renewed them in my name in 1995. We formed
the Sprawls Educational Publishing Company, and Reid Crow put me in touch with
one of his local Atlanta area printer friends with whom we began negotiations to publish the
translation ourselves. At the end of
1999, just as we were about to move to the beautiful mountains of
North Carolina to
retire, the books were ready. We were
close enough to the millennium that we chose to call our new edition the
Millennium Edition, and sales began in January 2000. With only a few advertisements in some of the
state Baptist publications and Baptists Today, sales
took off and have remained fairly steady for the past fifteen years.
By 2005
the Millennium printing of 2000 copies had sold out, so we began negotiations
with another printer--Sheridan-- recommended by Perry Sprawls’ medical textbook printers,
who could print as few as 1000 copies at a time and then reprint as necessary
without having to warehouse lots of stock.
They also digitized the copy so that the old photographic plates are no
longer necessary. This latest printing
is now called the Montreat Edition.
enough, even though we have chosen not to advertise for the past ten years in
state papers, sales have held up simply by word of mouth and by the increasing
use of the internet and Google! People look up
Charles B. Williams or New Testament translations and then are directed to our
website. We now
have requests for orders from many western states, especially
California, Arizona, Colorado,
Washington, New Mexico;
and many northern states from Minnesota
to Illinois to
Ohio to
New York to
New Jersey to
Vermont to
Pennsylvania. Last year we even had orders from Russia, England, and Switzerland, as
well as from the Caribbean and Canada. Just
this week I have received order for 5 copies from individuals in
Ontario. Our
website is
In 2005 we
decided to get a hundred copies bound in leather, and even though they turned
out to be hardback leather bindings rather than the flexible leather usually
used with Bibles, they have proved to be popular and we have had to order an
extra batch of them. I was disappointed
at first with the leather binding, since I had expected it to be the flexible
kind, but now that it is selling so well I have decided it isn’t going to be a
The new
world of electronic media has brought other opportunities for publicity. In the fall of 1997 David Haerle, president
of a Los Angeles,
California company by the name of CMH
Records, approached me about producing a set of CDs with a reading of the
Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, accompanied by music, using the Williams
translation. I continued to get royalty
notices about these CDs for about two or three years, but the only CD that I
ever received was the Gospel of Mark CD, spoken by John Daniels and accompanied
by an “inspirational musical score.” In
checking the website of this company today I am still puzzled as to why a
company that apparently has always marketed mostly country music was even
interested in doing this project! I do
not even see the CDs listed in their offerings now. I gave
Mr. Haerle permission to produce the
CDs, in hopes that they might help stimulate some interest in the printed
copies of the New Testament. Whether
they did or not, I do not know, but I do know that we have continued to get a
good many orders for New Testaments from individuals in California and other western states these
past seven years!
interesting inquiry came from a Dr. Stanley L. Morris, representing a group
called Lingua International, in June of 2001.
It was his feeling that the Williams New Testament was not getting the
exposure it deserved, and he was interested in getting the translation
incorporated into one or more electronic Bible libraries in the form of a
CD-ROM. He had been working in the Bible
software field for 15 years and suggested that he could be of help in finding
an electronic publisher. He proposed
that he digitize the translation, which I agreed to. Subsequently his digitized copy was assigned
to a company by the name of Ellis Enterprises, Inc. of Oklahoma City. As far as I know this digital version is
still available at
or In checking these two sites I see that the
William’s [sic] translation is still one of the Bibles included in both the
Mega and Ultra versions of their online Bible Libraries. Again I granted permission to Dr. John Ellis
to produce these digital online copies in hopes that people who bought them
would also be interested in buying a copy of the translation in printed
form. I spent many hours in 2001-2002
proofreading the digitized copy to make sure there were no errors in it! Yet their spelling of William’s is still
incorrect on their CD advertising and covers!
In the fall of 2003 I was contacted by Dr. Ray Van Neste, director of the
R. C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies
at Union University in Jackson, TN,
telling me of Union’s plans to have a series of lectures in the spring of 2004 in
honor of Charles B. Williams and his work on the New Testament translation
while he was teaching at Union. I offered to have a portrait of my father
painted to hang in the Ryan
Center and my husband and
I drove over to Jackson
for the dedication in April of 2004. In
a gracious tribute in a news article written after that visit, the Union
President David S. Dockery said,
Charles Williams was a
highly visible New Testament Scholar in the early years of the 20th
Century. His translation of the New Testament remains a favorite of many
even today. His relationship to Union
has been memorialized in a most special way with this wonderful gift from the
family members to Union’s
Ryan Center.
The portrait serves as an inspiration for other young New Testament students to
give of themselves for this generation in the same way that Dr. Williams did
for his in the serious study of God’s inspired Word.
So the legacy continues. The
seventy-ninth anniversary of the Williams translation finds it still a viable,
widely used and appreciated translation.
Because so many college and seminary students of Greek and New Testament
studies were exposed to the translation through the years and have continued to
use the translation and promote it in their congregations, it is still popular
all over the United States and even as far away as Europe and China. A few years ago my husband and I, on one of his teaching trips
to Xian, took some
copies to one of his medical physics colleagues in China The testaments are still being
used in some of the house churches there.
Likewise a colleague in Estonia
whose family is Baptist has a copy of the translation to use in their church
Charles Bray Williams was a Baptist scholar, it is true, but he was far
ahead of his time in his ecumenical ideas.
Rather than limiting his education to Southern Baptist institutions he
chose to do his graduate studies at northern or American Baptist seminaries
where he could broaden his training. And
he never hesitated to accept invitations to speak at Presbyterian or Methodist
or Lutheran gatherings, as well as at Black churches in his native
North Carolina—long
before the days of integration.
One of the tests of great literature and of good books is whether or
not they stand the test of time: are
they dated to one period in which they were written by the vocabulary and
idioms used, or do they sound as fresh and apropos today as they did when they
were first published. I think this
translation has continued to prove its timelessness through these past seventy-nine
years. The fact that ministers are still
reading from it to their congregations and urging them to buy copies of it
further proves to me that there must be something of great value here.
In the “foreword” of the original edition of the translation and also
the Moody Press edition, Charles Bray Williams wrote:
May the face of the Christ, who is the Theme of this
book and the light of the world, shine into the heart and upon the life of
everyone who reads it!
Charlotte Williams Sprawls
August 31, 2007; revised
February 1, 2016
This biography was also published by
Florida Baptist Historical Society
in the Fall of 2007.